Pets Matching Game

Match the all 12 cards to win. Play Here
JavaScript uses DOM Manipulation to create and alter card elements and their corresponding HTML. Styled with CSS

function createNewCard() {
	// Step 1: Create a new div element and assign it to a variable called cardElement.
  let cardElement = document.createElement("div");

	// Step 2: Add the "card" class to the variable 'cardElement' from the previous step.
	// Step 3: Write the HTML for the children of the card element (card-down and card-up) as a normal string and assign it as the innerHTML of cardElement.
  let cardChildDown = document.createElement("div");
  let cardChildUp = document.createElement("div");

  // Step 4: Return the cardElement.
  return cardElement;


function appendNewCard(parentElement) {
	// Step 1: Create a new card by calling createNewCard() and assign it to a variable named cardElement.
  let cardElement = createNewCard();
	// Step 2: Append the card element to the parentElement (making the card element a "child"). 
  // Step 3: Return the card element.
  return cardElement;

function shuffleCardImageClasses() {
  // Create a new array that contains two of each image class string in order (e.g. "image-1", "image-1", "image-2", "image-2"...). Store the array in a variable called 'cardClasses'. 
  let cardClasses = ["image-1", "image-1", "image-2", "image-2", "image-3", "image-3", "image-4", "image-4", "image-5", "image-5", "image-6", "image-6"];

  cardClasses = _.shuffle(cardClasses);
  // Return the shuffled array of class names.
    return cardClasses;

function createCards(parentElement, shuffledImageClasses) {
	// Step 1: Make an empty array to hold our card objects.
  let cardArray = [];
  var tempCard;
  // Step 2: Write a for loop that loops 12 times to create the 12 cards we need.
  for(let i=0; i<12; i++){
    // Step 2(a): In the loop, use appendNewCard to create/append a new card and store the result in a variable.
    tempCard = appendNewCard(parentElement);
    // Step 2(b): In the loop, add an image class to the new card element using shuffledImageClasses[i].
    /* Step 2(c): In the loop, create a new object representing this card. This should have properties for:
       "index" -- what iteration of the loop is this.
       "element" -- the dom element for the card
       "imageClass" -- the string of the image class on the card.
    let cardObject = {index: i, element: tempCard, imageClass: shuffledImageClasses[i]};

    // Step 2(d): In the loop, add the new card object to the array of card objects.

    // Step 3: Return the array of 12 card objects.
  return cardArray;

function doCardsMatch(cardObject1, cardObject2) {
  if(cardObject1.imageClass == cardObject2.imageClass){
    return true;
  return false;

	The 'counters' object below is used as a dictionary to store our counter names and their respective values. 
let counters = {};

function incrementCounter(counterName, parentElement) {
  // Step 1: If the 'counterName' property is not defined in the 'counters' object, initialize it with a value of 0.
 if(counters[counterName] == undefined){
   counters[counterName] = 0;
  // Step 2: Increment the counter for 'counterName'.
  // Step 3: Change the HTML within 'parentElement' to display the new counter value.
  parentElement.innerHTML = counters[counterName];

	The 'onCardFlipped' function below will be called each time the user flips a card. The 'lastCardFlipped' variable is used to remember the first card flipped while we wait for the user to flip another card. We need to keep track of this value to determine if the two cards flipped match or not. 'lastCardFlipped' should be reset to 'null' each time a second card is flipped. 
let lastCardFlipped = null;

function onCardFlipped(newlyFlippedCard) {
  // Step 1: Add one to the flip counter UI.
  incrementCounter("flips", document.getElementById("flip-count"));
	// Step 2: If this is the first card flipped, note that using the 'lastCardFlipped' variable and return (nothing else to do).
  if (lastCardFlipped == null){
    lastCardFlipped = newlyFlippedCard;

  // Step 3: If the cards don't match, remove the "flipped" class from each, reset 'lastCardFlipped', and use a 'return' to exit the function.
  if(doCardsMatch(newlyFlippedCard, lastCardFlipped) == false){
    lastCardFlipped = null;
  // Step 4: Increment the match counter and optionally add a "glow" effect to the matching cards.
  incrementCounter("matches", document.getElementById("match-count"));
  // Border Glow
  // Step 5: Play either the win audio or match audio based on whether the user has the number of matches needed to win.
  if (counters["matches"] < 6){;
  // Step 6: Reset 'lastCardFlipped'
  lastCardFlipped = null;

function resetGame(){
  counters["matches"] = 0;
  counters["flips"] = 0;
  lastCardFlipped = null;
  var remObj = document.querySelectorAll('.card')
  for(let i=0; i < remObj.length;i++){
  let cardObjects = 
  createCards(document.getElementById("card-container"), shuffleCardImageClasses());
  if (cardObjects != null) {
    for (let i = 0; i < cardObjects.length; i++) {

// Set up the game
let cardObjects = 
  createCards(document.getElementById("card-container"), shuffleCardImageClasses());

if (cardObjects != null) {
  for (let i = 0; i < cardObjects.length; i++) {